Toilet Training Children with Autism or Other Developmental Disabilities


This course will provide ABA professionals and early educators a review of current best practice methods for toilet training young children with autism and other developmental disabilities. The course will review several methods and when you might implement each based on your learner. Common challenges and possible solutions will also be reviewed.

1 Learning CEU available

Course Description

This course is geared towards ABA professionals and early child educators working with children with autism or other developmental disabilities, where toilet training may be a goal. The course will review several prerequisite skills and things to consider prior to implementing a toilet training program. This course will go over 3 levels of intensity for toilet training programs and suggest considerations for when you may implement each. In addition data collection and a sample data sheet will be reviewed.

This course will also review some tips and additional considerations when implementing toilet training as well as some common challenges that may occur and some possible solutions to overcome those challenges.

Participants will:

  • Learn about the prerequisites and things to consider prior to implementing a toilet training program
  • Learn about historical methods and updates that are suggested
  • Gain an understanding of 3 levels of intensity for toilet training programs and when you may implement each
  • Learn about data collection and review a sample toilet training program data sheet
  • Review some tips and additional considerations when implementing toilet training
  • Gain an understanding of common challenges as well as possible solutions that may occur during toilet training

1 CEU Available

This content is intended for those who: have or are pursuing RBT/BCaBA/BCBA designations; teachers, and therapists. This course is also designed for other individuals, professionals or anyone whose role uses ABA to design & implement programming to decrease behaviours and increase skill acquisition of individuals with autism or to support individuals with developmental disabilities in any capacity.


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