An Introduction to Functional Behaviour Assessments


A functional behaviour assessment (FBA) predicts the function of a behaviour whereas, a functional analysis (FA) confirms that function. Research states that indirect functional behaviour assessments have weak interrater reliability and concurrent validity. Thus, it is recommended that an FBA be used in conjunction with an FA. As the field progresses, we are moving from a function-based approach to developing an understanding about the behaviour and how to turn the behaviour on and off. This course will walk you through indirect and direct assessment, functional analysis and practical functional analysis.

Course Description

Challenging behaviour is a concern shared by caregivers, educators and professionals. When looking at challenging behaviours we seek to answer the question ‘why is he/she doing this’. This provides information about the function of the behaviour. Function can be predicted via functional behaviour assessments (FBA) and confirmed through a functional analysis (FA). Research states that indirect functional behaviour assessments have weak interrater reliability and concurrent validity. As such, an FA is recommended in order to confirm the function of a behaviour. As the field progresses, we are moving from a function based approach to developing an understanding about the behaviour and how to turn the behaviour on and off.

This course will highlight commonly used functional behaviour assessments, the steps involved in a functional analysis and provide an overview of Dr. Gregory Hanley’s practical functional analysis.

This presentation is meant to provide participants with foundational knowledge and understanding of the types of functional behaviour assessments used, how and when they are conducted. Additional training will be required under the supervision of a BCBA if you wish to implement any of the procedures discussed in this workshop.


Participants will:

  • Understand the difference between direct and indirect assessments
  • Be able to idenitfy when a functional analysis is required
  • Identify the steps in a functional analysis
  • Identify the steps in a practical functional analysis

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