ABA Training

Enhance Your ABA Skills

alphabeePRO offers a diverse range of;

In-person workshops

Customized training opportunities

Online seminars

designed for professionals, educators, caregivers, parents, and community members seeking to deepen their understanding of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA).

Our expert inperson sessions provide practical skills and evidence-based strategies to enhance your effectiveness in supporting individuals with diverse needs.

For specialized training, our Training Coordinator works directly with you to identify key goals and develop tailored, evidence-based programs that meet your team’s specific requirements.

As active members of the ABA community, our trainers regularly attend and host workshops and speaking events, including both in-person and virtual conferences. These events bring together experts from across the globe, presenting cutting-edge research and findings in the field of ABA, ensuring that our training offerings remain at the forefront of current best practices.

Why Choose alphabeePRO for ABA Training?

Led by certified BCBA professionals

Interactive learning experiences

Practical, hands-on activities

Opportunities for networking with peers

Certificates of completion provided

alphabeePRO Current Workshop Offerings

We provide a range of specialized workshops designed to enhance your understanding and skills in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and autism support. Our current offerings include:

Introduction to Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)

  • Explore the fundamental principles of ABA
  • Learn how ABA is applied in various settings

The Power of Reinforcement

  • Understand the critical role of positive reinforcement in ABA therapy

  • Learn effective reinforcement techniques for behavior modification

An Introduction to the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)

  • Discover the principles of ESDM for young children with autism

  • Learn how to implement ESDM strategies

Getting Children with ASD to Follow Instructions in the Classroom

  • Develop strategies for improving instruction-following in children with ASD

  • Learn techniques for classroom management

Increasing Communication for Children with Autism

  • Explore methods to enhance communication skills in children with autism
  • Learn practical techniques for encouraging verbal and non-verbal communication

Tackling Homework Together

  • Develop strategies for supporting children with ASD during homework time
  • Learn how to create a positive homework environment

Teaching Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder to Ask and Answer WH- Questions

  • Learn techniques for teaching question-asking and answering skills
  • Understand the importance of WH- questions in communication development

Developing Conversation Skills

  • Explore strategies for improving conversational abilities in individuals with ASD
  • Learn how to facilitate social interactions and turn-taking in conversations

…and much more!

Previous training partners include daycares, day programs, teachers, Ontario Works, and more!

Getting started with alphabeePRO

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Contact Us

Want to learn more? Contact us to discuss the workshops we have available for you.

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