Video #1 – Getting Children with ASD to Follow Instructions

This presentation will focus on the teaching and development of eye contact and joint attention with children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. We will review recent research, various procedures and participants will leave with examples of specific programs for increasing these skills with their learners. This course is __ CEU’s.

Course Price: Free

Participants will:

  • Learn how about the four types of non-compliance
  • Learn how to break down complex classroom tasks and routines
  • Learn how to implement compliance drills in the classroom
  • Learn about pairing and be given some strategies to develop a well paired relationship with their learner
  • Be given 100 Ways to Deliver Social Praise

Laura Dignard is the Program Manager, as well as a Clinical Supervisor at AlphaBee.  Laura is a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA) and is also certified in the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM).  Laura has worked extensively with individuals with Autism and other developmental disabilities, utilizing the principles of ABA with a particular focus on Verbal Behaviour. She has extensive experience with the assessment, development, and implementation of behaviour reduction and skill-building programs resulting in the development of functional skills and a better quality of life for her clients. Laura has presented at ABA and Special Education conferences as well as developed training workshops for parents, educators, community members, and ABA professionals. Laura is also a member of ONTABA.

Sonia Stellato is a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA) who works as a Senior Therapist at AlphaBee, she is also certified in the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM).  In her current role she works primarily with children diagnosed with ASD and their families to develop skills both in the home and at school. She works with instructor therapists to complete comprehensive training and skill development to better support the families she works with. Sonia has also had experience working with teenagers and adults who have a dual diagnosis and required complex care and support. As a behaviour therapist she has worked as part of multidisciplinary teams striving for the best outcomes for all those she supports.