Test Lesson for Assignment Uploads

In this Lesson, we’ll look over the ability to upload various files and have them reviewed separately. Below is a section that’ll prompt you to upload a file. Below is an image of how the back end looks.

Back end – Reference Image – Settings within the Lesson, under the very first section: Display and Control Options

There are a variety of options that can be selected and adjusted. Try uploading a file as your assignment. If it’s set to be manually graded, progress won’t move forward until it is approved. Admins can select how many files can be uploaded. and the file size limit so the site doesn’t get bogged down by incredibly large files being uploaded by users. In this example, the grading is set to Auto-approve, so you’ll be able to continue to the next Lesson.

Once an assignment is uploaded, an admin can go to the “Assignments” section from the back end Dashboard, and review those there. There won’t be an email notification compared to a Quiz being completed. You’ll also notice it’s entirely separate from the “Submitted Essays” section under “Quizzes”. This method might provide a potential of benefits for those who want to review manual submissions from users (say program results from a specific client [home or office based]), but this is depending on the nature of how these users are to be tested.

Once an assignment is uploaded, it should automatically move you to the next lesson.